- Why no interpunction?Are you muttering or crying?It's not clear. 为什么没有标点符号?一刀见血兄!是喃喃自语?还是大吼一声呢?!感情色彩暧昧点哦。
- Why no Xenon flash and lens cover/shutter? 为什么没有氙气闪光灯和镜头盖?
- Maleficent: Why no, your majesty. 马雷菲森:当然没有,王后陛下。
- Man, why no skeet in the city?I love the skeet. |这个城市为什么没有飞镖?
- No one can figure out why no track of the animal has ever remained. 没人理解为什么这种动物没有留下任何的遗迹。
- Support original work,why no pics of Sinkiang girls?? 支持原创,怎么没有新疆妹妹的靓照??
- Brother Jin,why no scabbard for such precious Dao!Pity!!!!!! 金兄,此等宝刀为何看不到鞘呀!可惜可惜也!!!!
- That's why no reptile degenerates to a bluegreen alga. 为什么中间没有发生过爬行动物又退化回蓝藻的现象?
- Oneway ticket, why no one ever had the courage to buy an oneway ticket. 如果我连你的情人都做不了,我会怎么办?后悔总好过遗憾。
- I have rather men shall ask why no statue has been erected in my honour,than why one has. 我情愿被人问为什么未见有塑像为纪念我而建立,也不愿被人问为什么已有塑像为我而建立。
- I remember that Chairman Mao once asked why no one in the country received higher than his own. 我记得毛主席曾说过,为什么全国就没有比我当主席的薪水更高的呢?
- Wonder why no fonts setting, and lost some userful functions in the previous version. 丧失了某些功能,如字体,等等。
- Had rather men should ask why no statue has been erected in my honor, than why one has. 我宁愿人们问为什么没有为我立纪念像,也不愿他们问为什么立起这么一尊象。
- I had rather men should ask why no statue has been erected in my honour, than why one has. 我宁可人们问为何没建铜像表扬我,而不要被问为何有它?
- Thank you very one, thank you for your effort, but i wonder why no one like me? I'm so poor. 谢谢大家的支持,为什么没有人喜欢我呢?我好可怜啊。
- Archer saw he was wondering why no one had told the butler never to slice cucumbers with a steel knife. 阿切尔看出来,他正在纳闷怎么没有人告诉主管膳食的男仆千万别用钢刀把黄瓜切成薄片呢。
- This condition explains why no other phrasal category can intervene between a verb and its direct object. 这一条件解释了为什么任何别的词组类型都不能插到动词和它的直接宾语之间。
- Tony is sometimes known as a back-stabber in the office. That's why no one trusts him. 公司里人人都知道东尼是个会背地伤人的人,所以没人信任他。
- A person accustomed to the taste of the enjoyment of solitude, why no one really understand me? 翻译:习惯了一个人享受孤寂的味道,为什么没有人真正的了解我?
- OMG?!?!?! is it true???? if yes then why NO Pakistani channel is showing this news??.. not even PTV!.. WTF ??! 啊?!?!?!真的???如果属实,为什么巴基斯坦方面一点消息都没有??